DEQ and ORWA Partner to Help Locust Grove Save Money and Water

For Immediate Release: September 14, 2017

Contact: (DEQ) Erin Hatfield, (405) 702-7119, (ORWA) Jimmy Seago, (405) 672-8925

The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Oklahoma Rural Water Association (ORWA) recently helped the town of Locust Grove save both water and money through DEQ’s water loss auditing pilot program. The audit determined Locust Grove had significant amounts of water loss due to leaks within the system.

“Using the results of DEQ’s water loss audit as a guide, we were able to work with system staff to locate and quantify seven hidden water leaks in the system. These leaks were causing a loss of about 272,160 gallons of water per day and costing over $544 per day. In addition to locating leaks, ORWA’s staff provided training to Locust Grove water operators on how to use the leak detection equipment to pinpoint hard-to- find water leaks,” said Richard DeShazo, Project Manager of Leak Detection for ORWA.

The water loss audit and leak detection training provided by DEQ and ORWA gave Locust Grove personnel the information needed to take action. Work has begun on fixing the leaks, and currently, three of the major leaks have been repaired. Plans are underway to address the remaining four leaks.

“By working with DEQ and ORWA, Locust Grove saved an incredible amount of water and money. If we hadn’t volunteered for the water loss audit, we would have gone on losing water and wasting money. This program has been very beneficial to the people of Locust Grove,” said Scott Rodgers, Locust Grove Public Water Supply Manager.

The water loss audit, leak detection assistance, and training were provided to Locust Grove free of charge and funded through Oklahoma’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. Forty volunteer water systems from across the state have received training from DEQ inspectors on tracking water loss in their distribution systems. Public water supplies in the state that would like to participate in the program may contact Brandon Bowman, DEQ Capacity Development Coordinator, at (405) 702-8270.
