Boil Order Issued for Sardis Lake Water Authority

For Immediate Release:  October 11, 2020

Contact:  Erin Hatfield, (405) 437-8468 or

The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has advised the Sardis Lake Water Authority, located in Pushmataha County, to inform residents and users of the drinking water to use water that has been brought to a full, rolling boil for at least one minute, bottled water, or water from another acceptable source for consumption, use in food preparation, dishwashing and brushing teeth. This order was issued due to high turbidity and an inadequate water treatment process.

This Boil Order is not related to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic, and it is important to continue to wash your hands during the Boil Order. During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic, keeping hands clean is especially important to help prevent the virus from spreading. It is safe to wash your hands with soap and tap water. If soap and tap water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. If you have an open wound, you should use boiled or bottled water to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer.

The following water systems purchase water from the Sardis Lake Water Authority, and therefore are also under the boil order:

  • Clayton PWA
  • Pushmataha Co. RWD #1
  • Pushmataha Co. RWD #5 (Nashoba)
  • Saddle Gap portion of Latimer Co. RWD #2
  • Sardis Lake Corps of Engineers facilities at Potatoe Hills
  • Sardis Lake Corps of Engineers facilities at Sardis Cove

Please note that the boil order is only for the Sardis Lake Water Authority and the water systems that purchase water from that system. The boil order does not include many areas of Pushmataha or Latimer Counties. If a water customer is unsure which water system supplies their water, the customer should check their water bill.

Residents will be notified when the water is considered safe for human consumption. Federal law requires that consumers be notified when a public water supply exceeds certain maximum contaminant levels and might be harmful to the health of consumers.
