Environmental Education Grants Now Available

For Immediate Release:  February 15, 2022

Contact:  Erin Hatfield, erin.hatfield@deq.ok.gov

The Oklahoma Environmental Quality Education Committee invites qualified individuals to apply for a grant to promote enthusiasm in young people for learning about the environment and natural resources. You must be an Oklahoma teacher, public or private (Preschool – 12th grade), school environmental club, youth group leader, and/or organization with a youth component to apply for the grant.

Applicants may apply for amounts from $100 up to $1,000 per grant. A up to $15,000 will be awarded in early 2022 to winning applicants. Eligible categories include: environmental club projects, green school efforts, edible school gardens, environmental education projects, outdoor classroom revitalization, and recycling and composting programs. Deadline for submission of grant applications is March 11, 2022. Recipients will be notified no later than March 31, 2022.

Information on allowable expenditures, application criteria, and examples of previous applications are available at https://www.deq.ok.gov/external-affairs-division/environmental-education/#EducationGrants. Funds for the program are generated by the sale of the Environmental Awareness License Tag. Applications may be obtained at your local tag agency.

The Oklahoma Environmental Quality Education Committee of the DEQ sponsors this grant program. The committee is comprised of state agency representatives, teachers, and corporate representatives. The mission of the committee is to help the general public become more aware of actions and activities that will help preserve and protect Oklahoma’s environment.

For more information on this grant opportunity, please visit https://www.deq.ok.gov/wp-content/uploads/external-affairs/Environmental-Education-Grant-Proposal-Form-2022-Dec-1.pdf  or contact Sara Ivey at sara.ivey@deq.ok.gov
