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Air Quality Advisory Council Special Meeting, July 22, 2020

Time: 9:00 AM
Contact: Melanie Foster
Contact Email:
Location: Virtual Public Meeting via Webex *see Location Note below in Agenda Tab*
Find location on Google Maps
Phone: 405-702-4100

Agenda – revised July 20, 2020 (includes Webex meeting details)

Meeting Note: The purpose of this Special Meeting of the Air Quality Advisory Council (AQAC) is to provide the council members and the public with an opportunity to review and provide input on a draft proposal for rule changes to a number of interrelated provisions of the Department’s air quality permitting program.

The draft proposal is intended to better align the Department’s requirements with those of EPA’s New Source Review permit program and Title V operating permit program. The Department’s intent is not to request that the Council vote on the draft rules presented. Rather, the purpose is to share draft language and to seek additional input to aid in preparing a formal rulemaking proposal to bring for consideration by the AQAC at its next regular meeting, which is scheduled for Wednesday, October 21, 2020, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Location Note: Due to social distancing guidelines, the Air Quality Advisory Council will conduct this public meeting virtually. Meeting attendees and visitors will not be permitted to attend the meeting in-person. The virtual meeting will be accessible to the public via videoconference and teleconference via Webex Events. Please see the agenda for details. Additional instructions for making public comments at the appropriate times during the meeting are below under Related Files.

Chapter 4: Rules of Practice and Procedure (Amended Sections)

  • Subchapter 7: Environmental Permit Process


Chapter 100: Air Pollution Control (Amended Sections)

  • Subchapter 1. General Provisions
  • Subchapter 7. Permits for Minor Facilities
  • Subchapter 8: Permits for Part 70 Sources and Major New Source Review (NSR) Sources

Related Files:

Webex Public Participation Tips – how to comment and join the Webex Event (note: attendee meeting link and call-in number is in Agenda)

Presentations – combined agenda and presentations

Council Packet (combined pdf of all meeting materials as of July 8, 2020)