Clean Air Act Section 111(d) Plans
Important Update for both the Oil and Gas and Power Plant Sector 111(d) Plans: In consideration of recent court actions by EPA, Oklahoma’s work on both the Oil and Gas and Power Plant Sector 111(d) Plans is currently paused. No formal policy decisions or rule language have been drafted for either 111(d) Plan. However, all feedback received to date is appreciated and will be retained.

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The federal Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 111(d) (and Section 129 for solid waste incineration units) allows the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate emissions from existing sources
through emission guidelines. Emission guidelines are not direct regulations; states are required to implement and enforce these standards by developing regulations (OAC 252:100 in Oklahoma) and submitting State 111(d) Plans to EPA.
DEQ is currently developing 111(d) plans for the Oil & Gas and Power Plant sectors. ✉ Subscribe to 111d Plan Updates via our Air Public Notices mailing list
Members of the public ℹPublicIndustry stakeholders, government entities, Tribal partners, civic organizations, and the public at large are encouraged to participate at every step of the process, beginning with the broad programmatic outline through state rulemaking and, eventually, the development and submission of state 111(d) plans to EPA. DEQ will detail input being requested and public participation opportunities at a December 3 information session. Additional meetings will be held throughout the process.
🛢Oil and Gas
In March 2024, EPA published a final rule to reduce air pollution emissions from the crude oil and natural gas industry. The rule addresses emissions from new sources as well as existing sources. New sources are already covered by the federal rule. Existing oil and gas sources will be covered by state rules in accordance with EPA requirements and must be incorporated into a State 111(d) Plan.
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Public Notices and MeetingsPlan DocumentsFederal Rule
December 3, 2024 Public Information Session (joint with power plants 111(d) plan) held 3 pm at DEQ’s Oklahoma City headquarters and virtually via Zoom
🏭 Power Plants
In May 2024, EPA published a final rule to reduce air pollution emissions from the
fossil fuel fired non-turbine electric generation units (EGUs). The rule addresses emissions from new electric generators as well as existing generators. New generators are already covered by the federal rule. Existing generators will be covered by state rules in accordance with EPA requirements and must be incorporated
into a State 111(d) Plan.
Contact email:
Public Notices and MeetingsPlan DocumentsFederal Rule
December 3, 2024 Public Information Session (joint with oil and gas 111(d) plan) held 3 pm at DEQ’s Oklahoma City headquarters and virtually via Zoom
View existing 111(d) plans that have been approved by EPA in 40 CFR Part 62, Subpart LL