On-site Sewage Treatment
On-site Sewage Treatment System Program
Rural Oklahoma homes and businesses utilize on-site wastewater systems as described in Chapter 252:641, Individual and Small Public On-Site Sewage Treatment System. On-site systems include conventional systems that consist of a 1000-gallon septic tank and a dispersal field (network of trenches filled with pipe and gravel), aerobic treatment units with spray or drip irrigation, low-pressure dosing systems and lagoon systems.
The first step in designing or selecting an on-site system for your new home or business is to have a soil test performed on your property. The soil test identifies the characteristics of the soil on your property. Based on the results of the soil test, the size of your property and the number of bedrooms in your home an on-site sewage treatment system(s) is designed. The Department of Environmental Quality can perform a soil test or you can hire a DEQ Certified Soil Profiler. To request a DEQ Soil Test or to obtain a list of DEQ Certified Soil Profilers click here.
The second step is hire a contractor to install the on-site sewage treatment system. The installer must obtain an Authorization to Construct an On-site Sewage Treatment System before installation. All on-site sewage treatment systems are required to be inspected by a DEQ Certified Installer click here or the Department of Environmental Quality.
The design and installation of an on-site sewage system is dependent on many factors. The size and shape of the lot, the size of the residence and the results of the soil test. There are instances when a system described in our rules cannot be designed and an alternative on-site system is needed. Alternative systems must be approved by the DEQ prior to the system installation. For additional information concerning alternative systems and the application/approval process for alternative systems, please contact your local DEQ representative or (405)702-6100.
When an on-site system is properly designed, installed, and maintained, it serves as an effective and economic treatment system. More times than not, however, the on-site system is installed and forgotten. Maintenance is the homeowner’s responsibility and is the key to avoid system malfunctions and possible costly repairs.
The type and frequency of maintenance required for your on-site system depends on the type of system. So, the first step of system maintenance is to know the type of system that serves your home or business. Listed below are descriptions for the types of on-site systems. Click on the type of system for a detailed explanation of specific maintenance items.
If you are still unsure about the type of system you have after reading the descriptions below, then contact your local DEQ office for assistance at (405)702-6100.
Subsurface Sewage Treatment System Lagoon Sewage Treatment System
Evapotranspiration/Absorption Treatment System Aerobic Treatment System
The Environmental Complaints and Local Services Division (ECLS) currently has 21 local offices across the state who provide requested services to Oklahoma citizens. These services include soil profiles, final inspections, well evaluations, existing system inspections, and authorizations or permits to construct an on-site sewage treatment system.
The DEQ has established standardized fees for the above mentioned services performed by our Environmental Specialists. Payments may be made by check, money order, or online by using a Visa, Mastercard, or debit card. If paying by check or money order, the completed Request for Services Form must be mailed to the address indicated on the form.
Online Payments
Try our on-line account payment system for ECLS Requested Services which will allow you to pay for authorization/permit to construct, soil test, existing system evaluation, and well evaluation quickly and easily, 24-hours a day. Follow the link: Online Payments