Environmental Assessments & Reviews (NEPA)

Many community improvement projects rely on public grants or private funding to assist with project costs. When federal monies are used, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) generally requires an evaluation of environmental impacts associated with the project. Tribal governments, private lenders and other entities frequently will also require such an assessment. DEQ’s Office of Business and Regulatory Affairs (OBRA) coordinates environmental impact reviews for areas under DEQ jurisdiction.

When a request for an environmental impact review is received, OBRA consults with DEQ’s air, land, water, and local services divisions to identify environmental issues and regulatory requirements that should be considered during the project. Once our review is completed, OBRA will send a response to the requestor summarizing our findings.

Submitting a Request
Requests should be emailed in pdf format to EnvReviews@deq.ok.gov, or submitted via our online portal, and include the following information, at a minimum:

  • Project name.
  • Brief project description, including year of construction for building renovation projects.
  • Project Location- street address, section/township/range, or other location information.

Reference materials such as maps or aerials with the project location clearly marked, project drawings, or other visual reference material may be included and will frequently assist us with our review.

Our review and response are based solely upon the information submitted. All responses will be sent via email, so it is important we have the correct email address for replies. We make every effort to provide a response within two weeks of our receipt of the request.

Jon Roberts
Senior Manager
Office of Business and Regulatory Affairs
Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
(405) 702-7111