Permit Assistance


Sofidel Permits

Photo provided by Sofidel America Corp.
Used with permission

Understanding environmental laws and which permits are required for a particular business can be a daunting task. We believe early discussions with all permitting programs help both DEQ and businesses come to a mutual understanding of facility operations, permit needs, and timelines for obtaining the permits. To facilitate this understanding, DEQ has established a Permit Assistance Team (PAT) of permit experts from each DEQ permitting program.

When requested, OBRA will coordinate meetings between the PAT and business representatives, allowing those representatives to meet directly with the DEQ permit managers and staff who will be reviewing the permit application. For general information regarding permit process for your facility contact Lloyd Kirk, Division Director. See also, our Permit Assistance Guide full of valuable resources.


Permit Assistance Team

Each DEQ division with permitting authority has at least one representative on the Permit Assistance Team.

Division Permit Assistance Team Members
Air Quality

Phillip Fielder, Engineering Manager

Phil Martin, Engineering Manager

Environmental Complaints & Local Services Bruce VandeLune, Environmental Programs Manager
Land Protection Hillary Young, LPD Chief Engineer
Water Quality Patrick Rosch, Engineering Manager
Office of Business and Regulatory Affairs Lloyd Kirk, Division Director
Legal Jennifer Boyle, General Counsel

Understanding DEQ’s Tiered Permit Application Process

Under the Oklahoma Uniform Environmental Permitting Act (27A O.S. § 2-14-101, et seq) all DEQ permits fit into an application category, or Tier, established by the Environmental Permit Process rules of OAC 252:4-7.

  • Tier I applications are those in which administrative decisions are made by a technical supervisor. There is no public participation, except notification to the landowner and for certain Tier I Air Quality Permits See OAC252:4-7-13(g).
  • Tier II applications are those with some public participation. The administrative decision is made by the Division Director.
  • Tier III applications have extensive public participation. The administrative decision is made by DEQ’s Executive Director.


Typical Permit Steps Tier I Tier II Tier III
Meet with DEQ’s Permit Assistance Team (if desired). Yes Yes Yes
Filing: Applicant files application, pays any required fee, and provides landowner notice. Yes Yes Yes
Notice of filing: Applicant publishes notice in one newspaper local to site. No Yes Yes
Process meeting – Notice: 30-day opportunity is published with notice of filing. DEQ holds meeting if requested and sufficient interest is shown. No No Yes
Administrative completeness review: DEQ reviews application and asks applicant to supply any missing information. Yes Yes Yes
Technical review: DEQ reviews application for technical compliance and requests applicant to cure any deficiencies. Yes Yes Yes
Draft permit or draft denial: DEQ prepares this after completing review. No Yes Yes
Notice of draft permit, public comment period and public meeting request opportunity: Applicant publishes this in one newspaper local to site (DEQ publishes notice of draft denial). No Yes Yes
Public comment period: 30 days (45 days for hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal draft permits). No Yes Yes
Public meeting: Conducted by DEQ if held. No Yes Yes
Review of comments: DEQ provides written response to any comments received. No Yes Yes
Proposed permit: DEQ prepares in response to draft permit comments. No No Yes
Notice of proposed permit: Applicant publishes, in one newspaper local to site, notice of 20-day opportunity to review permit and request administrative hearing. No No Yes
Administrative permit hearing: Conducted by DEQ if held. Results in final order. No No Yes
Final DEQ decision to issue or deny permit. Yes Yes Yes

**NEW** Note for Clean Air Act Permits: In order to meet the minimum federal public participation requirements for state air pollution control programs, certain additional steps apply to the AQD permitting process. See OAC 252:4-7-13(g)

We encourage the public to participate in our permitting process by providing comments on proposed permits.
Click here for a list of permits that are currently open for public review.


If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact:

Lloyd Kirk, Director
Office of Business and Regulatory Affairs
office: (405) 702-7105

Natalie Cota
office: (405) 702-0122