Lead Test Results

Once test results have been delivered, interpretation and conclusion are the next steps. Results will fall under three categories

  • Safe: <1.0 μg/L
  • Remediation: 1.0 μg/L – 15 μg/L
  • Immediate Remediation: >15 μg/L


Below are several result examples and explanations for understanding your results.


EXAMPLE 1: <1.0 μg/L

The result for this example is <1.0 μg/L. When a report shows a result of <1.00, that means the actual value of the sample was less than the analytical reporting limit. Your facility has safe drinking water.

EXAMPLE 2: 1.0 μg/L - 15 μg/L

The result for this example is 4.0 μg/L. When a reports shows a result between 1.0 μg/L – 15 μg/L, remediation actions will be necessary. Review the guidelines on our page Remediation.

EXAMPLE 3: >15 μg/L

The result for this example is 18.0 μg/L. When a reports shows a result greater than 15 μg/L, immediate remediation actions are necessary. Review the guidelines on our page Remediation.

For further help or explanation email us at lwsc@deq.ok.gov or vist SELS Test Result Interpretation page for more details.