Lead Testing in Schools and Child Care Facilities Drinking Water (LWSC) Program
The Oklahoma Lead Testing Program is a free, statewide initiative by DEQ to reduce lead exposure where children are cared for. Public schools and licensed child care facilities are eligible to participate in this program which provides free sampling and laboratory testing to identify lead in drinking water. If lead is found, DEQ can provide funding and guidance to assist with removing lead from a facility’s drinking water.
LWSC Program General Information
Learn how to remove and reduce lead exposure in your school through DEQ's LWSC program
Learn how to remove and reduce lead exposure in your school
Program Overview and Benefits
The Lead Testing is Schools and Child Care Facilities Drinking Water (LWSC) Program is a voluntary program started by Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) using guidance from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s 3Ts program. The 3T’s program aims to assist schools and child care facilities in the removal of lead from drinking water.
EPA’s 3Ts for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water
3Ts Checklist
3Ts for Public Water Systems
Program Benefits
- Free Sampling and Testing: All sampling materials and testing of samples by an accredited lab are provided through DEQ and partner agencies.
- Remediation Planning and Implementation: If lead is found, DEQ will assist the facility in creating and implementing a remediation plan appropriate to the facility.
- Monetary Assistance: DEQ offers monetary assistance to qualifying facilities to cover costs associated with addressing lead issues identified through the LWSC program.
DEQ LWSC Program Process
The process begins here, with an application to the program, the development of a communication plan, and assignment of roles and responsibilities for you and your staff. Once your application has been accepted, you will receive a welcome packet with additional resources. You can also get started with the “Enrolled Facility Resources” tab below.
What to Expect Next
After the inventory, a sampling event will be set up to take place early in the morning, before your facility has opened. It is important that the water has sat for at least 8 hours but no more than 18 hours before a sample is taken to get accurate results. Discuss this step with your sampling representative.
2-Step Sampling Procedures
Based on your facility’s sample results, you will work with a DEQ representative to create an appropriate remediation and replacement plan. If your facility is identified as having a significant lead impact, you may qualify for reimbursement. Re-sampling will take place after complete implementation of the remediation and replacement plan. All test results will be posted on DEQ’s website.
Remediation Options
Follow-up Sampling
When a facility completes all steps of the program, they will receive a certificate that acknowledges their participation and efforts to provide lead-free drinking water to students and staff. However, there are actions and activities facilities can continue to take to protect and educate. Participants are also welcome to reach out to their DEQ representative at any time with questions or comments.
Record Keeping
Drinking Water Activities for Students and Teachers
Enrolled Facility Resources
Learn how to remove and reduce lead exposure in your school
Parents/Los Padres
Learn more about how lead can impact your community/Aprende más sobre los impactos del plomo en su comunidad
At-Risk Populations/ Poblaciones En Riesgo
Lead is particularly dangerous to children because their growing bodies absorb more lead than adults do and their brains and nervous systems are more sensitive to the damaging effects of lead.
Lead can accumulate in our bodies over time, where it is stored in bones along with calcium. During pregnancy, lead is released from the mother’s bones along with calcium and can pass from the mother exposing the fetus or the breastfeeding infant to lead. This can result in serious effects to the developing fetus and infant, including:
- Cause the baby to be born too early or too small;
- Hurt the baby’s brain, kidney’s, and nervous system;
- Increase the likelihood of learning or behavioral problems; and
- Put the mother at risk for miscarriage
En Español
El plomo es particularmente peligroso para los niños porque sus cuerpos en crecimiento absorben más plomo que los adultos y sus cerebros y sistemas nerviosos son más sensibles a los efectos dañinos del plomo.
El plomo puede acumularse en nuestros cuerpos con el tiempo, donde se almacena en los huesos junto con el calcio. Durante el embarazo, el plomo se libera de los huesos de la madre junto con el calcio y puede pasar de la madre al exponer al feto o al lactante al plomo. Esto puede provocar efectos graves para el feto y el bebé en desarrollo, que incluyen:
- Causar que el bebé nazca demasiado temprano o demasiado pequeño;
- Dañar el cerebro, los riñones y el sistema nervioso del bebé;
- Aumentar la probabilidad de problemas de aprendizaje o de comportamiento;
- y Poner a la madre en riesgo de aborto involuntario
Blood Test/ El Análisis De Sangre
Protecting children from exposure to lead is important to lifelong good health. No safe blood lead level in children has been identified. Even low levels of lead in blood have been shown to affect IQ, ability to pay attention, and academic achievement. And effects of lead exposure cannot be corrected. Talk to your child’s doctor if you are concerned about lead exposure.
- CDC now uses a blood lead reference value of 5 micrograms per deciliter to identify children with blood lead levels that are much higher than most children’s levels. This new level is based on the U.S. population of children ages 1-5 years who are in the highest 2.5% of children when tested for lead in their blood.
- This reference value is based on the 97.5th percentile of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)’s blood lead distribution in children. The current reference value is based on NHANES data from 2007-2008 and 2009-2010.
- Every four years, CDC will review the most recent two sets of NHANES data to find the 97.5th percentile of blood lead distribution in children.
- NHANES is a population-based survey to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the United States and determine the prevalence of major diseases and risk factors for diseases.
En Español
Proteger a los niños de la exposición al plomo es importante para una buena salud de por vida. No se ha identificado ningún nivel seguro de plomo en sangre en niños. Se ha demostrado que incluso los niveles bajos de plomo en la sangre afectan el coeficiente intelectual, la capacidad de prestar atención y el rendimiento académico. Y los efectos de la exposición al plomo no pueden corregirse. Hable con el médico de su hijo si le preocupa la exposición al plomo.
- Los CDC ahora usan un valor de referencia de plomo en sangre de 5 microgramos por decilitro para identificar a los niños con niveles de plomo en sangre que son mucho más altos que los niveles de la mayoría de los niños. Este nuevo nivel se basa en la población de niños de EE. UU. De 1 a 5 años que se encuentra en el 2.5% más alto de los niños cuando se les realiza una prueba de plomo en la sangre.
- Este valor de referencia se basa en el percentil 97.5 de la distribución de plomo en sangre de la Encuesta Nacional de Examen de Salud y Nutrición (NHANES) en niños. El valor de referencia actual se basa en datos de NHANES de 2007-2008 y 2009-2010
- Cada cuatro años, los CDC revisarán los dos conjuntos más recientes de datos de NHANES para encontrar el percentil 97.5 de distribución de plomo en sangre en niños.
- NHANES es una encuesta basada en la población para evaluar el estado de salud y nutrición de adultos y niños en los Estados Unidos y determinar la prevalencia de las principales enfermedades y los factores de riesgo de enfermedades.
Learn More About Lead
Learn more about the history of lead in drinking water
Program Reports
Click the link below to view the most recent program statistics report that illustrates key program information and metrics such as total participants today, remediation measures taken, and sample results summaries. Reports are updated quarterly.

2024 LWSC Quarterly Report (Q4) (October-December 2024)
EPA’s Lead in Drinking Water Page
CDC Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
Oklahoma Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program